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More something to share January 19, 2011

Posted by jvmullin in Job Searching, Job Searching.
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My friend that I mentioned in my last post tells me nothing has changed and if anything has gotten worse.

This has me thinking about coyotes! Coyotes you say what are you thinking and how did you get to that?

Coyotes are canine and like to be in packs (aka family) and the packs are run by an alpha male(dad) and a dominant female(mom). Now since coyotes are animals this is just the way nature intended it for the survival of the pack.

Now humans have some of the same traits we see in coyotes the alphas and dominants. You can find these traits not only in parents but in your friends and colleagues. You know the ones that I mean those with an insatiable drive to not only control their lives but to tell everyone else what they should be doing as well.

Now while these people have the best of intentions they are so consumed with this drive that they cannot see beyond themselves and their control dominance. In other words the world according to me and how I want it run types.

These people are so controlled by their alpha/dominant gene that they become blinded to their effects on others. I believe that they have no clue not a single idea as to the destructive nature their dominance has on others. It is the same effects as a bully boss when you were working.  The stress, low self esteem, low self value, you begin to doubt yourself, and your afraid to make any move outside of the norm for fear it will not be right.

Now take these effects and magnify them 10 X because you are unemployed. These combined effects can tear any human down to a pile of worthlessness.  This is one of the reason that we teach unemployed to avoid negative people as much as possible. We should also teach them to try real hard to avoid the alphas and dominants also.

It amazes me that just because we have a brain that supposedly evolved to something better than an ape that we are so intelligent. But yet we do stupid things to others, we hurt others with no thought as to the consequences of our actions. These people are so self involved or focused that they can’t see beyond the me to realize the damage they are causing.

So if you are in this situation what can you do?

Well leave this out where they can read it. The hardest thing to do is to muster up the courage to confront these people and get them to understand that their destructive nature is keeping you unemployed. You need to point out the increased stress level, the reduction of self worth, and taking your focus off the search and putting it on how to keep these people off your back.

Your job search is hard work enough dealing with unprofessional recruiters and HR types who never return calls or get annoyed when you try to get a status update from them, researching companies, writing cover letters, and networking.

You truly want a job just so you can coast a little. Having a job isn’t anywhere as difficult as searching for a job. Yet the abuse yes I said abuse by parents, family and friends marches on.

I say to these people that if they want to really help, then they need to sit down with you and find out exactly what you are looking for. They need to know what information you need on a company and to help you research. They need to talk to their friends and family to get the word out that you need a job or more contacts. They need to keep your life as normal as it was when you had a job, not treat you like you have a deadly plague they might catch. People have the misconception that unemployment is contagious. This is a myth!!

So a word of advice to you alphas and dominants out there, if you are not part of the solution, then you have become part of the problem so BACK OFF!. Job seekers need encouragement and normalcy in their life not more stress and abuse.


Something to share with friends and family January 8, 2011

Posted by jvmullin in Job Searching, Job Searching.
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I was in a lengthy conversation yesterday with a friend who is unemployed. It started with a comment her mother made. It made me think in a way how true that statement was.

So you should share this post with your friends and family.

Friends and family have all the best intentions when trying to help you. The problem is they really don’t know how. Family especially, they either fall silent or they nag about you not working yet.

What they do not understand is that you are already under self induced stress and that their nagging doesn’t help. It just makes matters that much worse.

What are the effects?

You are already feeling bad enough about not working when they place more stress on you it kicks up your negativity meter up 20 points or more. The longer you are out the worse things gets, self doubt starts creeping in to undermine your efforts to find that great position you want . The effects it has on your job search become detrimental to you. You look for negative aspects in every job post . This will keep you from applying to jobs that you are qualified for but because you are missing one or two points your negativity will tell you don’t bother. This could be a missed opportunity. When you get a phone screen it is in your voice no matter how much you try to sound upbeat you do not come across as genuine. You are on edge from being stressed and frustrated and ready to explode at the person on the other end of the phone when they ask you stupid questions. This negativity will carry through in a face to face interview.

They need to realize the news isn’t helping either with their conflicting articles and reports. Some of it is based on business trying to get consumers to spend money they do not have. I see a lot of it as pure hype to get consumers to hold up the economy from further collapse. Business will not make sacrifices they want the consumer to make them.

The fear factor that is going on in business today especially in the hiring process. Managers and HR are afraid to make a decision for fear of hiring the wrong person. If they do hire they are not hiring the best they are hiring the safest. Friends and Family need to realize this that it really isn’t you it is the system that is broken right now.

US based companies that are laying off here and hiring in foreign markets are not helping the US economy because it is presenting false hope for home. How does this happen. Because their business in foreign markets is improving while here they are diminishing their profits are rising. They appear to economist to be on the rebound so the economist wrongly apply that to the home market. They are giving false hope that the home markets are on the rebound and that jobs will soon follow. If you look at the stories form people with enough guts to tell the truth, they are saying that the rate of new jobs is not enough to get us back to prerecession rates by 2016.  So it doesn’t look hopeful for job seekers.

So what can friends and family do for you? They can get a really good understanding of what it is you are looking for. That position that you would love to go to everyday. Then they need to go to their networks and say hey I have a friend who is a great ______________ and they are looking for an opportunity to contribute to a company. Then they need to give you encouragement. To boost your ego not tear it down. They need to offer to help you research companies. They need to talk to their networks to find good recruiters that may know of unadvertised jobs.

Yes they need to give encouragement. Tell you what a great job you are doing staying focused and going for that dream job. Keeping you positive is their job, not adding stress to an already stressful situation.  The more they can help stay focused and upbeat the faster you will find that position and land it.

If you are wondering what my friends mother said, she said, You are not successful because we are in your life. For all the reasons I mentioned above she is right.

It is stressful for everyone involved but positive is the attitude that must be adopted to succeed and to avoid the negatives at all costs.


News we could loose!(Humor title) January 6, 2011

Posted by jvmullin in Job Searching, Job Searching.
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I am being a little sarcastic with the headline. Why? Because it is news we do not really want to hear but must face.

The news we have been hearing through 2010 is continuing into 2011. I guess it boils down to who you want to listen to and who do you want to believe.  I mean it is confusing when the media you are reading has 2 articles on the same page that conflict each other.

US companies showing a rebound in stocks. Sounds great for the ole  U S of A gives you hope. Then 2 articles down they tell you that while US based companies are hiring like crazy off shore they continue to layoff here at home.

The industry that is hiring is the medical field so you should apply there. They do not tell you that you need school and more than that exact experience. A few articles down there is talk of drug companies having major layoffs as well as hospitals.

So you can see my point for the title and the sarcasm.

So with all the conflicting data and articles out there what is a seeker to do.

Stay focused, do your research, pick your target companies and stay on top of what they are doing. Set up google alerts on them to notify you when they get mentioned. Use this information when you are networking your way into the company.

Use LinkedIn to help you get noticed and stay up on the latest trends in your field. How? By groups and professional organization groups, read and engage in the discussions.  Check the company for jobs and for people who you may want to network with.

Loose the news and stay focused on what is important you landing!

Hope and Faith the two strongest emotional allies we have. December 19, 2010

Posted by jvmullin in Job Searching, Job Searching.
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Hope I feel is the strongest emotional ally we have in our arsenal for the unemployed.  It is what makes us wake up each morning to face a new day. It what makes up tolerate the rejections and the lack of any response to our resumes and cover letters.  It is the driving force that makes us keep going.

It is also the emotion that keeps us from crossing that threshold into the murk and mire of despair and insanity.

Hope! For some of us it is all that we have left. It is what makes us wish for a miracle each day. It is what makes us say today is the day I get an interview or an offer. Today is the day that somebody sees the value that I can bring their company. Yes Hope is the power ally that we cherish and guard.  It is more powerful than love and friendship which seems to allude us or escapes us the longer we are unemployed. Not from our doing but from those we thought we could depend on for support. Those that can no longer understand that it has nothing to do with us. This situation isn’t our doing. Yes Hope our ally that we use to hold our families together in these tumultuous times.

Hope the emotion we call upon to give understanding to those we want to support us but don not know how.

Along with hope is the second strongest emotion that is faith. I am not talking the faith in a deity of your choice. I have given up on that type of faith years ago. Call it the Catholic curse but there isn’t a theologian around who can convince me otherwise but that is me.  I am talking the faith we have in ourselves. The faith that we have the stamina, the perseverance, the courage to get through this. The faith that we are far better than the perception of the person reading our resume and cover letter.  The faith we have in ourselves to triumph over the evil that has cloaked the job market.

The faith that the total disrespect that is shown us will not diminish who we are our the value we are worth. The faith to hold our heads high because we know we are better than the treatment we get from every source, even those we thought would support us.

The faith that the knowledge and the skills we have acquired while working can not and will not be taken away from us. They are ours and ours alone and they hold value to those that want to rent them in the form of employment.

Yes Hope and Faith are the two strongest allies that we have they are the driving force that keeps us going. We will defend our right to have them and to use them to keep us who we are.

The rest of the world may shun us but our hope and our faith will make us rise above it like a Phoenix from the ashes. You can not keep us down, you cannot belittle us nor diminish us. We have two strong allies on our side Hope and Faith.

New College Grads What are they to do? December 11, 2010

Posted by jvmullin in Job Searching, Job Searching.
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We have been taught all our live that to get a good job you need a good education. So after we graduate high school we go right off to college. The jobs they have held during high school and college are not even related to what they are studying.  It is just the jobs they can get to make some cash.

Now they have hustled to earn that degree and graduate hopefully in the top of their class only to be told now that they need the experience to get the job.

Oh to be stuck in the Catch 22 syndrome I can’t get the experience without the job and I can’t get the job with out the experience.

I tell my clients and my children who are in college to get the summer internships to get the experience. I suggest that if the college or University has a coop program that they take that extra year to get the experience. This way they are in a better position than those that didn’t because they will have both the education and the experience.

I guess those that came up with this policy have forgotten what it was like when they started. I guess they have forgotten that they want the latest techniques and subject knowledge which you get from school. They forget that as they move people up they need the new people to train to become part of their succession program.  Or have they abandon that train of thought?

I guess that I am too logical and forward thinking to get a grasp on the idea of not hiring new grads because they lack experience. I guess in my head it comes across as ignorance and incompetence. A lack of ethics and morales. I feel that I should compel a list of these companies so I know where to tell my clients not to apply to because it would not be conducive to their future plans. That their future will more likely be stifled by the mind set controlling these companies and that their future will more than likely be in jeopardy.

To date I have not had one person who could provide a good rational or business explanation to this practice. Why is that? What does that tell you?

IT tell me that it is based on some irrational thought process and what does that tell me. Red Flags!


Got a new attitude! December 8, 2010

Posted by jvmullin in Job Searching, Job Searching.
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I have come to the realization of why I have not landed a job in two years. Well there are the minor side issues credit score is so low I have my own number, I have been out of the industry for awhile because I can’t speak any Chinese dialect, They think that I am too old etc.

My realization is that I scare the hell out of them!!!!! Yes it is true I scare the hell out them. You ask why?

Why is because I have a high IQ and common sense which is a deadly combination. I have far superior leadership skills than they do. I can actual solve problems even outside my normal job.  I mean that if I was a hiring manager reading my resume and realized that I could outperform you in my sleep I would be quaking in my boots too.

So I have come to the realization that there are not any companies left in America with great leadership and common sense and intelligence that could use such a great talent as myself.

I mean here I am a guy who knows how to handle risk and to mitigate it so it doesn’t totally destroy us if it doesn’t work.  Risk now there is a term that needs to be Politically corrected so that we sugar coat to a point where it no longer sounds bad and frightening. Maybe then Corporate America will get their head out of their ass and move forward with some intelligence and common sense. But alas PC is the enemy of Common sense and intelligence. Alas there may be no hope for me to find a niche to work in.

But damn the ignorant masses I know who I am and what I am capable of. I know that I have great value to offer and what that value is worth. Trust me it is worth far more than the ROI the company will get that hires me. I have always out paced my loaded labor costs with the amount of profit realization that I have provided to companies.

However I find myself having to deal with inept HR Capital that have lost the ability to read into a resume the talent that is truly there. It has gone and replaced with the buzzword count to gauge the worthiness of a candidate. Gone are the days of embracing free thinking and innovative thought and being replaced with meek yes men and women who won’t rock the boat.

Yes alas there is no longer an atmosphere conducive for me to shine in. To make others look greater than they are. To make monies for a companies by attacking issues that others ignore or look over for lack of drive or initiative.

In finding a company where the CEO has not adopted the sports mentality of it is more about the money and the contract than the love of the game. I think it is time to renew my passport and see if I can find a country in Europe where my talents are appreciated as they are no longer appreciated here in America.

My new attitude is screw them they do not deserve me. Let them wallow in mediocrity. Let them continue to just get by until utter failure hits them in the face. They deserve it. My only regret is for the people it will effect because they do not deserve what they will get.


Here is a closing story my oldest son told me today. He works for the phone company. The detail officer told him that he just had to arrest a guy for beating on an HR person who told him that the company doesn’t hire the unemployed.

Now I am not sure that the HR person deserved it, It could of been a case of shooting the messenger but in a way they did because they are part of the problem not the solution. But the guy should have also the CEO and opened a can of whoop ass on him too. Maybe it would have been a wake up call. I mean think about it it would have shown that the guy was resourceful in finding him and takes  initiative by  kicking his ass. If I had a company I would hire that guy for those 2 reasons alone.


Let me know if you have a new attitude or what you think of the story.

The economy is getting better but unemployment is up 9.8% December 3, 2010

Posted by jvmullin in Job Searching, Job Searching.
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This post is going to cover 2 topics; 1.) rise in unemployment and 2.) the uneducated statements of Cathrine Rampell of the New York Times.

We keep hearing that the economy is getting better yet despite that the unemployment figure is not declining at the same pace or is even rising despite the fact that some companies are claiming better numbers.

There are a number of ways companies can make it appear they are doing better while actually they are flat or in decline. Look at the news for Toll Brothers they claim a good 4th quarter but that is based on a tax write off.

An article the other day says that credit card use is down significantly. Then they go on to say that it is mainly due to banks cancelling cards or people being overdrawn on the cards they have. The only credit a few people in actually cutting up the cards or just not using them.

So if banks are not lending and credit card companies are not giving credit then how do they expect the economy to recover any time soon?

It appears that business has forgotten the basic economic rules of business.  What I see going on is not going to help matters either. Larger companies are buying up smaller companies they see as a future threat or a way to help build themselves up against the other competitors. While this is good for the business it usually means more unemployed as there is always a reduction due to eliminating redundancies in the two companies.

So pardon me for not believing the hype that the economy is improving based on some roller coaster numbers. I will stick to the reality of what is going on based on real economics not voodoo economics.

Second topic:

I read this on Yahoo this morning it is titled “Unemployed, and likely to stay that way” by Cathrine Rampell of the New York Times.

Here is a reporter that needs to get out of the office and talk to the 9.8% unemployed to get to the truth not just based on her conjecture.

She starts out by claiming that Europe has already come to grips with the long term unemployment situation while America is only just starting.  Well Cathrine you are dead wrong! We have come to grips along time ago. We saw the handwriting on the wall well over a year ago. Organizations like WIND Networking for Unemployed Professionals here in Massachusetts and a myriad of job hunt groups on LinkedIn have been all over that topic for well over a year.

The fact that you like many other uninformed employed workers look down on us is atrocious and perpetuates the misconceptions about us. Shame on you!

Yes in past recessions the layoffs were companies dumping their dead wood that I agree but this recession the major number of unemployed are highly qualified people, who have been deemed over qualified as an excuse not to hire them. Companies are looking to save cost by hiring younger cheaper labor. This of course costs more money in the short term as they have to pay for repeated mistakes that we already knew to avoid.

To infer that we just sit around waiting for the next job while doing nothing to improve ourselves is another perpetuation of a big business lie to not hire us. Now we are dealing with big business blatantly saying in post unemployed need not apply.

Cathrine the old saying goes if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.  I am sure business thanks you for perpetuating their myths about us so that they can sleep better at night.

As far as the people I represent, thanks for nothing. We do not think that highly of you either!

Survival or Take any job! December 2, 2010

Posted by jvmullin in Job Searching, Job Searching.
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It amazes me that people with a comfortable job can tell someone who is struggling to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and their family in tact that they shouldn’t succumb to taking any job. I mean what world are these people living in? Place yourself in their shoes before you make such a thoughtless statement. You have a job and your dealing with inflation they do not have a job their benefits just got cut and they are dealing with a depression. So isn’t your world cozy!

Sorry but I am a realist. I am trying to live both sides. I am trying to get a company going so that I have a job and I am one of those who benefits have run out and I am trying to survive by talking anything. Most days my food intake is 1 hamburger patty no bun or condiments. I have lost about 30 lbs lately. So don’t try to tell me that I should stay focused on the career that I really want. Not when there are more and more companies out there getting away with unemployed need not apply.

My recommendation is to not give up on your dream job while you are also looking for anything that will allow you to survive. Put your dream job on simmer while you bring survival to a full boil.  Until Corporate America gets their head out of their rear end, it is what it is in the new America.

Remember the movie Soylent Green with Edward G. Robinson and Charelton Heston? It isn’t far off if things don’t change.